Thursday, December 18, 2014

Don't Forget To Use Protection...

Hi!  It's been awhile.  I've been busy selling houses so haven't had much time to write one of my super exciting blogs.  But, I'm back and this time I have some tips for securing your home for the holidays.

Many of us travel during the holiday season.  We travel to see family, we travel to get away from family, we are gone doing our shopping for gifts and groceries.  In all that hustle and bustle, the simple things like securing your house can fall to the wayside.

Here are some handy dandy tips that I have come across that may help.

1)  Lock the doors - You would think it would be a simple task.  However, with all the craziness of family, travel, shopping, kids, pets, gift lists, parties and all the other things that come along in the holiday season, you would be surprised on how easily you might forget.  Get into the habit of double checking all of your doors before you leave the house.  Better to check twice than leave the door unlocked for Mr. Burglar to come on in and have a cup of coffee.

2)  The Lights are on but no one is home - Again another simple one.  Leave your lights on.  If you're leaving for the night or a holiday trip, leave a few lights on.  If you're worried about the expense on your power bill, don't.  It would be a lot more expensive to replace stolen goods, broken windows and the hassle of being burglarized than the few extra dollars it may cost you on your monthly bill.

3)  Put it in the hole - Sliding glass doors are a burglars best friend.  This is the number one place that homes get broken into.  It's pretty easy to lift a sliding glass door off its rails and get it open.  (I've even had to do it myself, don't ask).  Get a security pin.  You can pick them up at Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-mart etc. for a few dollars.  Definitely worth it!

4)  Out of sight, out of mind - Put your crap away.  Don't leave the keys to your car visible on a table. Don't leave your laptop out.  Put your jewelry away.  Anybody could come along and look through your windows. Personally, unless it's Mark Wahlberg or Channing Tatum, I don't want anyone peering through my windows checking out my goods.  Put away all of your valuables somewhere out of sight and keep your blinds closed.

5)  Locking up your junk - Garages and sheds.  Those places where you keep your hammers, ladders, axes and anything else that would be helpful to your friendly neighborhood burglar.  What a messed up story if the guy burglarizing your house uses your tools to do it.  That's almost as crazy as forgetting to take your son on your family Christmas trip and he has to stay home by himself and defend the house against 2 burglars...

6)  Like a good neighbor... - If you will be gone for more than a few days, let your neighbors know that you're leaving.  Not the annoying neighbor that you maybe don't get along with but the other ones (unless you're the annoying neighbor that nobody likes then you're SOL with this one).  If your neighbors know you'll be gone, they will know that nobody is supposed to be at the house.  Then if they see someone around, they can report it.

7)  Facebook is not your friend - I find it amazing how many of my Facebook friends update their status with the fact that they are leaving to go on vacation or are "checking in" from some awesome beach resort.  You are basically letting everyone on earth know that you are not home and that your house is free and clear for a visit.  Sure, you want to brag to your friends that you're on an awesome trip to an awesome place and they aren't, but don't forget, anything you put online is out there for all to see.  Oops.

Anyways, these are the tips that I came across that stuck out as important and easy to do.  You can never be too careful if you ask me.  Some of them may seem like common sense and ridiculous but again, with all the craziness that surrounds the holiday season, you may not be thinking about things like this.  If you are and your house is locked up tight like Fort Knox, well then I'm sorry you just wasted several minutes reading this blog.  If not, then you're welcome and Happy Holidays :)

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